Source code for squmfit.expr

from __future__ import division
import operator
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize
import six

# While taking the docstrings from numpy's ufuncs looks good on paper,
# in practice these functions are sometimes provided by mock and therefore less
# than helpful
_use_numpy_docs = True

[docs]def model(func): """ Transforms a function to ensure that all of its parameters are evaluated. Calls to the transformed function will result in an :class:`Expr` when any of its parameters are ``Exprs``. """ def go(*args, **kwargs): import inspect is_expr = any(isinstance(v, Expr) for v in kwargs.values()) or \ any(isinstance(v, Expr) for v in args) if is_expr: call_args = inspect.getcallargs(func, *args, **kwargs) return FuncExpr(func, **call_args) else: return func(*args, **kwargs) go.__doc__ = func.__doc__ return go
def lift_term(value): if isinstance(value, Expr): return value else: return Constant(value) def ufunc1(func): def go(x, out=None): if out is not None: raise ValueError("squmfit.Expr ufuncs don't support output arrays") return OpExpr(func, x) if _use_numpy_docs: go.__doc__ = func.__doc__.split('\n\n') return go def ufunc2(func): def go(x1, x2, out=None): if out is not None: raise ValueError("squmfit.Expr ufuncs don't support output arrays") return OpExpr(func, x1, x2) return go
[docs]class Expr(object): """ An expression capable of taking parameters from a packed parameter vector. All of the usual Python arithmetic operations are supported as well as a good fraction of the Numpy ``ufuncs``. Note, however, that the ufuncs' ``out`` parameter is not supported. """
[docs] def evaluate(self, params, **user_args): """ Evaluate the model with the given parameter values. :type params: array, shape = [n_params] :param params: Packed parameters vector :type user_args: kwargs :param user_args: Keyword arguments from user """ raise NotImplementedError()
@property def gradient(self): """ The gradient of the expression with respect to the fitted parameters or raise a :class:`ValueError` if not applicable. :rtype: :class:`Expr` evaluating to array of shape ``(Nparams,)`` """ return FiniteDiffGrad(self)
[docs] def parameters(self): """ Return the set of fitted parameters used by this expression. :rtype: :class:`set` of :class:`FittedParam`. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def map(self, f): """ Lift a function into an :class:`Expr`. :type f: Function of type `A -> B` :param f: The function to lift. :returns: Given an :class:`Expr` evaulating to a value of type `A` and a function `A -> B`, returns an :class:`Expr` of type `B`. """ return FuncExpr(f, self)
def __getitem__(self, k): return OpExpr(operator.getitem, self, lift_term(k)) def __neg__(self): return OpExpr(operator.neg, self) def __add__(self, other): return OpExpr(operator.add, self, lift_term(other)) def __radd__(self, other): return OpExpr(operator.add, lift_term(other), self) def __sub__(self, other): return OpExpr(operator.sub, self, lift_term(other)) def __rsub__(self, other): return OpExpr(operator.sub, lift_term(other), self) def __mul__(self, other): return OpExpr(operator.mul, self, lift_term(other)) def __rmul__(self, other): return OpExpr(operator.mul, lift_term(other), self) def __truediv__(self, other): return OpExpr(operator.truediv, self, lift_term(other)) def __rtruediv__(self, other): return OpExpr(operator.truediv, lift_term(other), self) def __div__(self, other): return OpExpr(operator.floordiv, self, lift_term(other)) def __rdiv__(self, other): return OpExpr(operator.floordiv, lift_term(other), self) def __pow__(self, other): return OpExpr(operator.pow, self, lift_term(other)) def __rpow__(self, other): return OpExpr(operator.pow, lift_term(other), self) # numpy ufuncs # Math operations add = ufunc2(np.add) subtract = ufunc2(np.subtract) multiply = ufunc2(np.multiply) divide = ufunc2(np.divide) logaddexp = ufunc2(np.logaddexp) logaddexp2 = ufunc2(np.logaddexp2) true_divide = ufunc2(np.true_divide) floor_divide = ufunc2(np.floor_divide) negative = ufunc1(np.negative) power = ufunc2(np.power) remainder = ufunc2(np.remainder) mod = ufunc2(np.mod) fmod = ufunc2(np.fmod) absolute = ufunc1(np.absolute) rint = ufunc1(np.rint) sign = ufunc1(np.sign) conj = ufunc1(np.conj) exp = ufunc1(np.exp) log = ufunc1(np.log) log2 = ufunc1(np.log2) log10 = ufunc1(np.log10) expm1 = ufunc1(np.expm1) log1p = ufunc1(np.log1p) sqrt = ufunc1(np.sqrt) square = ufunc1(np.square) reciprocal = ufunc1(np.reciprocal) # Trigonometric functions sin = ufunc1(np.sin) cos = ufunc1(np.cos) tan = ufunc1(np.tan) arcsin = ufunc1(np.arcsin) arccos = ufunc1(np.arccos) arctan = ufunc1(np.arctan) arctan2 = ufunc2(np.arctan2) hypot = ufunc2(np.hypot) sinh = ufunc1(np.sinh) cosh = ufunc1(np.cosh) tanh = ufunc1(np.tanh) arcsinh = ufunc1(np.arcsinh) arccosh = ufunc1(np.arccosh) arctanh = ufunc1(np.arctanh) deg2rad = ufunc1(np.deg2rad) rad2deg = ufunc1(np.rad2deg) # Comparison functions greater = ufunc2(np.greater) greater_equal = ufunc2(np.greater_equal) less = ufunc2(np.less) less_equal = ufunc2(np.less_equal) not_equal = ufunc2(np.not_equal) equal = ufunc2(np.equal) logical_and = ufunc2(np.logical_and) logical_or = ufunc2(np.logical_or) logical_xor = ufunc2(np.logical_xor) logical_not = ufunc2(np.logical_not) maximum = ufunc2(np.maximum) minimum = ufunc2(np.minimum) fmax = ufunc2(np.fmax) fmin = ufunc2(np.fmin) # Floating functions floor = ufunc1(np.floor) ceil = ufunc1(np.ceil) trunc = ufunc1(np.trunc)
[docs]class FiniteDiffGrad(Expr): """ The gradient of an expression computed by finite difference """
[docs] def __init__(self, expr): """ Create an expression representing the gradient of an expression. :type expr: :class:`Expr` :param expr: The expression to differentiate. """ self.expr = expr
[docs] def evaluate(self, params, **user_args): # Parameters: # Reduce step until relative chance drops below this delta_thresh = 0.1 # Reduce step by this factor alpha = 10 f0 = expr.evaluate(params, **user_args) grad = np.empty(len(params)) for i in range(len(params)): # Start with a reasonable step size h = abs(params[i]) / 10 g0 = 1/0 while h: p1 = params[:] p1[i] += h f1 = expr.evaluate(p1, **user_args) g = (f1 - f0) / h if abs(g - g0) < g * thresh: grad[i] = g1 break else: h /= alpha g0 = g if h < 1e-12: grad[i] = 0 break return grad
[docs] def parameters(self): return self.expr.parameters()
def __str__(self): return 'Grad(%s)' % str(self.expr)
class EvaluationError(Exception): def __init__(self, expr, inner): self.expr = expr self.inner = inner def __str__(self): return "Encountered error during evaluation of %s:\n %s" % (self.expr, self.inner) class FuncExpr(Expr): """ An expression which calls a function. Any arguments which are :class:`Expr` objects will be evaluated with :class:`Expr.evaluate` before being passed to the function. This is essentially a wrapper lifting function application into the `Expr` functor. """ def __init__(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """ Create an expression which calls the provided function with the provided arguments. Any arguments which are :class:`Expr` objects will be evaluated with :class:`Expr.evaluate` before being passed on to the function. :param func: The function to call. :param args: Ordered arguments to pass to the function. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the function. """ self.func = func self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs def evaluate(self, params, **user_args): def eval_term(value): if isinstance(value, Expr): return value.evaluate(params, **user_args) else: return value try: eval_args = map(eval_term, self.args) eval_kwargs = {k: eval_term(v) for k,v in six.iteritems(self.kwargs)} return self.func(*eval_args, **eval_kwargs) except Exception as e: raise EvaluationError(self, e) def parameters(self): accum = set() for p in self.args: if isinstance(p, Expr): accum.update(p.parameters()) for p in self.kwargs.values(): if isinstance(p, Expr): accum.update(p.parameters()) return accum def __str__(self): args = [str(arg) for arg in self.args] kwargs = ['%s=%s' % (k, str(v)) for k,v in self.kwargs.items()] return "%s(%s)" % (self.func.__name__, ', '.join(args + kwargs)) class OpExpr(Expr): """ A helper used by arithmetic operations """ def __init__(self, op, *operands): self.op = op self.operands = operands def evaluate(self, params, **user_args): return self.op(*[model.evaluate(params, **user_args) for model in self.operands]) def parameters(self): accum = set() accum.update(*[a.parameters() for a in self.operands]) return accum def __str__(self): return "%s(%s)" % (self.op.__name__, ', '.join(str(o) for o in self.operands))
[docs]class Constant(Expr): """ An :class:`Expr` containing a constant value """
[docs] def __init__(self, value): """ Create a constant-valued :class:`Expr` :param value: The value """ self.value = value
[docs] def evaluate(self, params, **user_args): return self.value
[docs] def parameters(self): return set()
def __str__(self): return str(self.value)
class Argument(Expr): """ An :class:`Expr` which evaluates to a keyword argument passed at evaluation-time. """ def __init__(self, name): = name def evaluate(self, params, **user_args): return user_args[] def parameters(self): return set() def __str__(self): return "Argument(%s)" %