Source code for squmfit.plot

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np
from numpy import log10
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
from matplotlib import gridspec

[docs]def plot_fit(x, result, range=None, xscale='linear', errorbars=True, fig=None, with_residuals=True, abs_residuals=False, residual_range=None, legend_kwargs={}, marker=None): """ Plot the result of a fit. :param x: A key found in `user_args` for each curve in the fit :type result: :class:`FitResult` :type range: ``(xmin, xmax)``, optional :param range: Range of abscissa :type xscale: 'linear', 'log', or 'symlog' :param xscale: The scale to use for the X axis (see :func:`pl.xscale`). :type errorbars: bool :param errorbars: Plot errorbars on points. :type fig: :class:`pl.Figure`, optional :param fig: The figure on which to plot. :type with_residuals: bool :param with_residuals: Plot residuals alongside fit :type abs_residuals: bool :param abs_residuals: Whether to plot weighted (relative) or unweighted (absolute residuals). :type residual_range: ``(ymin, ymax)``, optional :param residual_range: Y range of residual plot :param marker: Set the marker with which to mark points :param legend_kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to :func:`pl.legend`. """ if fig is None: fig = pl.figure() if range is None: xmin = min(c.curve.user_args[x].min() for c in result.curves.values()) xmax = max(c.curve.user_args[x].max() for c in result.curves.values()) range = (xmin, xmax) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2,2, width_ratios=[3,1], height_ratios=[3,1]) if with_residuals: ax_fits = pl.subplot(gs[0, 0]) ax_residuals = pl.subplot(gs[1, 0]) ax_residuals.axhline(0, c='k') ax_residuals.set_xlim(range[0], range[1]) else: ax_fits = pl.subplot(gs[0:1, 0]) ax_residuals = None ax_fits.set_xlim(range[0], range[1]) for curve, color in zip(result.curves.values(), pl.rcParams['axes.color_cycle']): plot_curve(x, curve, xscale=xscale, axes=ax_fits, errorbars=errorbars, range=range, color=color, marker=marker) if ax_residuals is not None: plot_curve_residuals(x, curve, xscale=xscale, axes=ax_residuals, abs_residuals=abs_residuals, color=color, range=range) ax_legend = gs[0:1, 1] ax_fits.legend(loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=ax_legend.get_position(fig), bbox_transform=fig.transFigure, mode='expand', frameon=False, **legend_kwargs) return (ax_fits, ax_residuals)
[docs]def plot_curve(x, result, range=None, axes=None, npts=300, xscale='linear', errorbars=True, label=None, color=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the result of a fit against a curve. :param x: A key found in the `user_args` for the curve. :type result: :class:`CurveResult` :type range: tuple of two floats :param range: The limits of the X axis. :type npts: int :param npts: Number of interpolation points for fit. :type xscale: 'linear', 'log', or 'symlog' :param xscale: The scale to use for the X axis (see :func:`pl.xscale`). :param label: The label for the curve. Defaults to the curve's name. """ curve = result.curve fit_result = result.fit_result xs = result.curve.user_args[x] if range is None: range = (xs[0], xs[-1]) if label is None: label = if errorbars and curve.weights is not None: yerr = 1. / curve.weights if errorbars and curve.weights is not None else None pts_artist = axes.errorbar(xs,, yerr=yerr, ls='', **kwargs) color = pts_artist.lines[0].get_color() else: pts_artist = axes.scatter(xs,, **kwargs) color = pts_artist.get_facecolor()[0] axes.set_xscale(xscale) if xscale in ['log', 'symlog']: interp_x = np.logspace(log10(range[0]), log10(range[1]), npts) else: interp_x = np.linspace(range[0], range[1], npts) user_args = {x: interp_x} fit_artist = axes.plot(interp_x, result.eval(**user_args), label=label, c=color) return (pts_artist, fit_artist)
[docs]def plot_curve_residuals(x, result, range=None, axes=None, xscale='linear', abs_residuals=False, residual_range=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the residuals of a curve. :param x: A key found in the `user_args` for the curve. :type result: :class:`CurveResult` :type range: ``(xmin, xmax)``, optional :param range: The limits of the X axis :type xscale: 'linear', 'log', or 'symlog' :param xscale: The scale to use for the X axis (see :func:`pl.xscale`). :type axes: :class:`pl.Axes` :param axes: Axes to plot on. :type abs_residuals: bool :param abs_residuals: Whether to plot weighted (relative) or unweighted (absolute residuals). :type residual_range: ``(ymin, ymax)``, optional :param residual_range: Y range of residual plot :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to be passed to :func:`Axes.scatter`. """ xs = result.curve.user_args[x] if range is None: range = (xs[0], xs[-1]) curve = result.curve fit_result = result.fit_result axes.set_xscale(xscale) axes.scatter(xs, result.residuals, marker='+', **kwargs) if residual_range is not None: axes.set_yrange(residual_range[0], residual_range[1])
# TODO: Implement abs_residuals